Hanoi Tower
The Tower of Hanoi is a mathematical game or puzzle. The objective of the puzzle is to move the entire stack to another rod, obeying the following simple rules: Only one disk can be moved at a time. Each move … more
Science Simulations
The Tower of Hanoi is a mathematical game or puzzle. The objective of the puzzle is to move the entire stack to another rod, obeying the following simple rules: Only one disk can be moved at a time. Each move … more
Ultrasonic rangefinder This sensor measures distance using the return time after ultrasonic waves are emitted. Please use the HC-SR04P (or HC-SR04+) sensor for 3V and 5V. Please note that 5V-only HC-SR04 will not operate. Connect the sensor’s Trig terminal to … more
It is a lottery roulette where numbers come out randomly. You can change the winning numbers. (2-50) If you turn on the checkbox, the winning numbers will be deleted each time you spin the roulette wheel.
Doppler effect Electromagnetic waves (or sound waves) come into contact with another object while traveling; part of the wave is absorbed or reflected. A moving ball likewise absorbs or reflects some of the incoming waves. If the ball were moving, … more
Camera In optics, an image is recreated by collecting some of the light emitted by an object. Devices that recognize images include eyes and cameras. The light entering the camera passes through the aperture and lens, respectively, reaches the sensor … more
* After setting the small object’s mass, position, initial velocity, and initial direction of movement, turn on the ‘Run’ checkbox to start the simulation. * The gravitational constant of the celestial body were assumed to be ‘1’. General relativity General … more
CRT TV CRT TV is an image-receiving device that uses cathode rays. It was widely used as a TV receiver until the mid-2000s. However, it had the disadvantage of being large and heavy. Afterward, it gradually disappeared as LCD and … more
x y Vx Vy * The mass and gravitational constant of the celestial body were each assumed to be ‘1’. * You can edit the position and speed of each celestial body while not running. * As the operation is … more
The ideal gas equation is a formula that expresses the law of the relationship between pressure, volume, number, and temperature of ideal gases. With this simple equation, you can calculate the remaining variables you don’t know. In mathematics, this process … more
This simulation supports multitouch. Nature of gas Since the gas can not be seen or touched, a little imagination is needed to understand the ‘nature of the gas.’ In most everyday life, people often do not perceive air. This makes … more
* If you are asked to access your location, please allow it. * Your personal data is not stored on the server. * For iOS devices, please allow location access as follows. Day and night The earth is spherical, so … more