Bohr’s Atomic Model

Bohr’s Atomic Model

The discovery process of the atom Democritus (Ancient Greece) – Predict the presence of an atom Dalton (UK, 1800) – Applied atomic chemistry Krux (Britain, late 19th century) – Invented a cathode ray tube to explain various phenomena of electrons … more

Scale of Atom

Scale of Atom

Each click on the screen increases or decreases by 10 times. The structure of the atom The matter is composed of atoms such as hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen, and the size of the atom is about 10-10m. Atoms consist … more

Rutherford Scattering

Rutherford Scattering

Discovery of nuclei At the beginning of the 20th century, little was known about atoms’ structure, except that atoms contain electrons. At the time, the atom was thought to be as a model of pudding containing raisins. According to this … more

Flame Test Simulation

Flame Test

* This simulation take the spectral data from NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY. When heat is applied to the atoms, some electrons can have high energy levels and fall to the lower levels. Some electrons emit as much energy … more

Quantum of Light

Quantum of Light

This simulation assumed that a candle emits all its energy in only one specific wavelength. The power of the candle is assumed to be 50W. The emitted wave diagram is for understanding only and does not represent the actual wavelength … more